

There maybe some sound distortion

This is the second part of our series with Dr Kim Bond from NAPAC and we talk about anger and how to recentre yourself along with ACEs are an international problem faced by all people and the better advocacy we have around helping adults recover from Adverse Childhood Experiences the less likely it will be passed down the generations.

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00:00 Intro

00:45 We are talking about impact

01:48 Trauma excessive stressors

04:10 Constant Drip 

05:22 Key stress responses 

07:50 Jimmy Savile Operation Yew tree

09:30 International solutions are required 

10:00 Maladaptive? Safeguarding of self

12:08 Unpacking Anger 

16:16 Kim's stress response 

20:00 Self-worth and value 

21:55 First Disclosures

23:00 Self-reliance & Perfectionism 

25:10 Normalacy, model student

27:17 Getting Complimented 

29:35 Anger and Guilt 

31:14 Deserving safety

32:04 Recognise anger responses 

33:15 Outward expression of inward hurt

36:00 Self Advocacy and Boundaries 

37:37 Survivors stories 

38:28 Loaded maladaptation 

39:08 Grounding for Flashbacks 

43:00 Emotions denied!

45:15 NAPAC and emotional support

47:53 End of part 2

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